Sunday 28 September 2008

A stressful week of challenge

There has been so much to do
I'm going to have to tell you about the whole week
In one go...
On Monday I did two regulars in the morning
Then off to Canary Wharf to meet a new client
What a place it is...
Such wonderful buildings
I took a short-cut through one of the shops
So many people queueing up to buy their lunch
Loads of people serving them
Affluence indeed...
The new client lived in a sheltered housing block
Which is right next to the river
I could see sailing boats just outside her windows
A very nice view to have
She told me she liked handsome men
When she was young
And a drink too!
She liked her hairdo and me
I walked through a lovely park of fountains
On the way back to the Tube
I added two new pictures to the gallery
Have a look
I started to work on my new introduction web page
But it was difficult...
On Tuesday one of my clients told me she was blown up in the war
She had her face rebuilt...
She survived
She's 96 now and never stops talking
Worked on the new web page again
And this time it all went well
It's up and running now
Take a look
It's getting harder to advertise with words now online
So I created three new image ads
And they are being viewed
On Wednesday I met a very friendly Carer
For the first time at a client's place
I think we like each other
Friday was a day of big jobs
A tint and a perm to do extra
So the takings were good
I made three more image ads again
And I am back in view...
The weekend was spent recovering and grooming myself
An intense week of struggle really
But all is well at the end of it

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